Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Google Human body browser

Google has many products which most of us aren’t aware of. One among those is Google Body Browser with the tagline “ Human Body As Never Seen Before”.

The Google Lab product let’s you browse the human body on the basis of several anatomical features (I am basically an Engineer,so expecting you to pardon my terminology) like muscles, organs, bones etc.

The navigation is pretty much like Google Maps, but three dimensional. Seeing the human anatomy in three dimension is first-of-its-kind experience, and till now only folks from medicine background would have had it

All that you need is a Web browser that supports WebGL ( Web Graphics Library, a HTML element that provides a 3D graphics application programming interface, implemented in a web browser ) which allows 3D graphics inside of webpages.

So where do you get WebGL enabled browser?

The Easiest way is to go for Chrome Beta with WebGL from here. You also have other browsers like Mozilla and WebKit nightly

Now that you have a browser enabled with WebGL, lets experience our Human Autonomy in 3D with Google Body Browser