Friday, July 20, 2012

Free E-book: Time-Saving VS11 and ASP.NET 4.5 Features You Shouldn’t Miss

Thursday, July 19, 2012

SQL Server: Easily detect if a table or other object exists

Generally people write as below to check whether table or object exists:

IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[TableName]')
AND type in (N'U'))
  DROP TABLE [dbo].[TableName];

However, this is more complicated than needed. You can just do this:

IF Object_ID('dbo.TableName', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.TableName;

The second parameter of Object_ID accepts any value from the xtype column of the sysobjects table. U is for user table.

To check for temp tables and temp stored procedures, do this:

IF Object_ID('tempdb.dbo.#TableName', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TableName;

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How to Set Auto file transfers between Dropbox and Android devices?

Transfer files between Dropbox and Android devices using Cloudpipes
Cloud storage has provided a new direction in terms of file sharing and saving, initially it was really hard job to carry along important files but now with cloud storage you can access your files any where irrespective of the devices. Moreover you can easily share your media files and other documents as well. Dropbox is an effective tool to store and share different types of files. Cloudpipes is an application which provides auto-file transfer between Dropbox andAndroid devices. Let’s see how can we do it?

  • Install Cloudpipes here
  • Run the application and sign in using Dropbox user-name and password.
  • Tap the menu and choose Add Pipe.
  • Give a name to your pipe, choose Download to transfer files from Dropbox to your Android device or select Upload to do the reverse.
  • Choose your Source and Destination folder.
  • Choose from the options, whether to Copy Files or to Move them from the source to the destination folder.
  • You can also Filter your files and organize them in terms of file type.
  • Schedule your file transfers. (If you set it to run more often, your battery will run out quickly as well)
  • Hit Save and your new Pipe has been created, you can change its settings whenever you want.
  • Get back to Main Screen, Choose Menu button and hit Settings. You can save your battery and data usage by choosing options such as “Connect only on Wi-Fi” or “Connect only when plugged in”. Furthermore you can change your default download directory and Notification settings here as well.