Monday, March 22, 2010

Agile software development

Agile software development refers to a group of software development methodologies based on iterative development, where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing cross-functional teams. The term was coined in the year 2001 when the Agile Manifesto was formulated.

Agile methods generally promote a disciplined project management process that encourages frequent inspection and adaptation, a leadership philosophy that encourages teamwork, self-organization and accountability, a set of engineering best practices intended to allow for rapid delivery of high-quality software, and a business approach that aligns development with customer needs and company goals.
Conceptual foundations of this framework are found in modern approaches to operations management and analysis, such as lean manufacturing, soft systems methodology, speech act theory (network of conversations approach), and Six Sigma.

The modern definition of agile software development evolved in the mid-1990s as part of a reaction against "heavyweight" methods, perceived to be typified by a heavily regulated, regimented, micro-managed use of the waterfall model of development. The processes originating from this use of the waterfall model were seen as bureaucratic, slow, demeaning, and inconsistent with the ways that software developers actually perform effective work. A case can be made that agile and iterative development methods mark a return to development practice from early in the history of software development. Initially, agile methods were called "lightweight methods."

An adaptive software development process was introduced in a paper by Edmonds (1974). Notable early Agile methods include Scrum (1995), Crystal Clear, Extreme Programming (1996), Adaptive Software Development, Feature Driven Development, and Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) (1995). These are now typically referred to as Agile Methodologies, after the Agile Manifesto published in 2001.
In 2001, 17 prominent figure in the field of agile development (then called "light-weight methods") came together at the Snowbird ski resort in Utah to discuss ways of creating software in a lighter, faster, more people-centric way. They coined the terms "Agile Software Development" and "agile methods", and they created the Agile Manifesto, widely regarded as the canonical definition of agile development and accompanying agile principles. Later, some of these people formed The Agile Alliance, a non-profit organization that promotes agile development.
Agile methods are a family of development processes, not a single approach to software development.
The Agile Manifesto states:
We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
· Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
· Working software over comprehensive documentation
· Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
· Responding to change over following a plan

Agile methods
Some of the well-known agile software development methods:
Agile Modeling
Agile Unified Process (AUP)
Agile Data Method
Essential Unified Process (EssUP)
Extreme Programming (XP)
Feature Driven Development (FDD)
Open Unified Process (OpenUP)
Lean software development

Agile practices
Test Driven Development (TDD)
Behavior Driven Development (BDD)
Continuous Integration
Pair Programming
Planning poker RITE Method

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