Monday, March 22, 2010

Biztalk Interview Questions

What is BizTalk?
The BizTalk Framework is a set of guidelines for driving the consistent adoption of XML to enable e-Commerce and application integration.
It is initiated by Microsoft and supported by a wide range of organizations.
The BizTalk Framework is an open framework for B2B exchange, It is implemented across all major platforms and most major B2B products.
BizTalk provides costs savings when used in internal IT projects and can be used in externally focused solutions too.
BizTalk Server 2000 is based on the BizTalk Framework. It provides the infrastructure and tools to enable B2B eCommerce and process integration.
BizTalk enables companies to integrate and manage business processes by exchanging business documents between business applications within or across organizational boundaries.
BizTalk has a website called which is a "repository" and "gateway" for BizTalk to enable dissimilar business applications to exchange structured documents with each other.
Biz Talk is a Business Process Management server from Microsoft. It is a message based integration tool. Biz Talk enables large enterprises to automate and integrate the business processes. This process is done by using adapters those are tailored for communicating among various software systems in an enterprise. It provides functions like Business Process Modeling, Business-to-Business communication, Message broker, EAI, Process automation. Biz Talk enables enterprises for integrating and managing business processes by exchanging various documents such as PO (Purchase Order), Invoices within and across boundaries of enterprises. MS Visual Studio supports development for Biz Talk server.

Explain Message Type (i.e. BTS.MessageType) and how is it used in BizTalk?
Messages in BizTalk are data, and each message must be of a selected message type. E-mail, Documents, InfoPath forms, large binary files, SQL records, flat files, and anything XML can be processed as messages.
BizTalk is all about messages and message-oriented programming.
The most common message type in BizTalk is a schema.
If you try to change the message type after having selected the message for send/receive and having it connected to a port, you may get an error.
So to do away with this, you may need to perform the following checks:
Before jumping in to do as the error message suggests, let’s think for a moment about what that entails.
Inspect every Receive and Send shape to determine if it uses a Message variable that’s associated with the schema you want to change.
Its not a good practice to create a single orchestration with so many Receive/Send shapes.
Delete Port connections, once you find all the Receive/Send shapes.
Change the Message variable so that the Message Type property is set to the new schema and then reassociate the Message variable with each Receive/Send shape.
Find all the Port Types that are associated with the Ports you disconnected from Receive/Send shapes and reset their Operation’s Message Type properties.
Use a Multi-Part Message Type to wrap the underlying schema. It’s flexible and saves time in the long run.
Following steps explain how to use the message types:
Right-click Messages in the Orchestration View tab to create a new message, you have four choices for the Message Type property.
Expand Multi-part Message Types and then choose Create New Multi-part Message Type.
Name your multi-part message type then expand it so you can see its MessagePart_1 member (BizTalk suggested name)
Set the Message Body Part property to True so that it acts just like a regular message.
Message Type is a property of Biz Talk system which is promoted in a pipeline. It is developed by using Document Name Space # Root Node Name. The message types manage the metadata, also called content properties which are used for creation of filters on send ports and a criterion named orchestrations-subscription is queried against the metadata. Messaging engines are prompted by these properties. Disassembler pipeline prompts BTS Message Type during parsing the message and specifies the message type. It is defined as a document schema name space and document root node.

Explain the difference between a Distinguished field and a Promoted Property.
The two ways to programmatically access an attribute or element in BizTalk are Distinguished Field and Promoted Property
Following is the explanation when to use which one:
If you need to route the information in the element/attribute OR track the it OR you need to use information that can only be dynamically created (not directly accessible), then use promoted property.
If you dont need to do any of this, then you should use a distinguished field.
Messaging solutions typically use promoted properties to route incoming messages to the correct destination.
To build a solution containing orchestrations that model business processes you should use distinguished fields.
In orchestrations you can use distinguished fields in a number of ways;
conditions for looping and decisions shapes,expression shape and message assignment shape.
A pipe line is used to write Distinguished Fields in the message context when a message is received on a port. Disassembler pipeline component such as XML and flat file disassemble does the job of writing the message context by the pipeline. In addition to it, custom pipeline component could also be performing it.
The promotion of Prompted Fields / Properties is done in the message context by a pipeline called receive pipeline at the time when a message is received on a port. This task is performed by disassembler pipeline component (XML or a flat file disassembler). In addition to it, custom pipeline component could also be performing it.

What is direct binding?
Direct binding in Biztalk Server 2004 can be used to send messages from one Orchestration to another and can also be used to send messages directly into the message box.
In Direct Binding, properties like BTS.SPID, BTS.ReceivePortID, etc are not exploited automaticaly by orchestration ports.
So, BizTalk does not manage the binding of orchestration ports to messaging Receive and Send ports.
Developers can control subscriptions and message context to route messages.
External binding configuration cannot be used with directly bound orchestration ports.
Direct binding is the most flexible model but You cannot configure your orchestration ports using binding files. More programming needs to be done to fully exploit the flexibility on offer.
Sending messages from one orchestration to another is done by using Direct Binding technique. It is also being used for sending messages directly into the message box. It is used in publish and subscribe system in BizTalk for sending messages among orchestrations.

What is BAM? What is the purpose of BAM?
Microsoft documentation describes BAM as “Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) It is a collection of tools that allow us to manage aggregations, alerts, and profiles to monitor relevant business metrics. It provides full visibility of your business processes with accurate information about the status and results of various transactions to enable you to determine the problem areas and resolve issues regarding the business.
Business data and process milestones are captured by Business Activity Monitoring(BAM), which is a module in BizTalk . Business decisions makers are allowed by BAM for gaining insight for their in-flight process. For the purpose of deriving up-to-date metrics and key performance indicators from the BAM databases, Business Integration tools are used. The forecasting of process trends by uses and monitoring processes in real time scenarios is done by using BI tools. Users get alerts for situations which need their intervention for preventing undesirable outcome for encouraging beneficial results, a mechanism is provided by BAM.

What is the Rules Engine?
BizTalk Rules Engine provides a framework to enable the implementation, deployment, and versioning of your business logic in a quick and extensible manner. BRE can integrate with and complement orchestration.
With BizTalk Rules Engine:
You can define and change business rules without recompiling or restarting your application.
Beginning with an examination of the Rules Engine architecture and we will show how you can create vocabulary definitions against XML, DB and .NET objects and test and publish effective policies using the policy testing tools.
A rules engine is a software system, which is used for executing one or more business rules in a dynamic production environment. The rules might be from legal regulation, company policies or any other resources.
Rules engine is provided as component of a business rules management system, which provides the abilities such as define, register, classify and manage all rules, verifies consistency of rules definitions, defining relationships among rules and relates them to IT applications which are effected by one or more rules.

What are Persistence Points?
The process of saving your running orchestration state at certain point is called persistence.
Orchestration engine persist a running instance which is based on the design of orchestration.
There are few events or stages, which triggers the persistence operation called persistence points.Following is the list of events (Persistence Points) that call the persistence operation:
* Orchestration Instance is suspended or finished* System shutdowns in a controlled manner* Engine determines it wants to dehydrate* Atomic or long running transactional scope ends* At debugging breakpoints* Execution of other orchestrations through the Start Orchestration shape* At the Send shape (but not atomic)
The state of an orchestration is saved in the following scenarios:
- End of transactional scope is reached- Debugging breakpoint is reached- When a message is sent from an atomic transaction scope- The orchestration instance is suspended
The state of running orchestration instance at various points are saved by orchestration engine. These points are used in instances such as rehydrate the orchestration instance, start the process from a controlled shutdown, recovering from an unexpected shutdown. The orchestration engine runs these instances from the previous point of existence, as if nothing had occurred.

What is convoy and correlation sets?
A correlation set is a set of properties with specific values.
The correlation set can have a maximum of three properties used for correlation on the receive shapes.
A correlation type is a list of properties that eventually populates with values for use in routing messages.
A convoy exists any time that multiple single messages must be related to achieve the required result.
An orchestration instance might receive a group of correlated messages simultaneously, under certain conditions. BizTalk Server detects the potential for this race condition and treats these messages as a convoy so as to ensure that all of the correlated messages are received by the same orchestration instance.
The runtime creates a general subscription and identifies it as part of a convoy at enlistment.
After filling this subscription, the messaging engine creates a temporary subscription based on the values in the predefined correlation properties called a convoy set.
Thus, a convoy set is a group of correlation sets that are used in a convoy. All messages that match the general subscription are evaluated against the convoy set, and those that match are routed to an existing port.
There are two main types of convoys: sequential and parallel.
BizTalk server detects the potential for certain race conditions, which are ensured that all correlated messages are received by the same orchestration instance. The potentiality of these race conditions is detected by BizTalk server. These messages are treated as a ‘convoy’. A convoy set is a group of correlation sets. All such subsequent messages which match the general subscription are evaluated against the convoy set, and the matched convoys are routed to an existing port.

What is Message routing and Content routing?
Content-based routingA BizTalk Server business process involves receiving, processing, and sending messages. Some messages do not require intensive processing in an orchestration. They can benefit from a simpler and more efficient solution called Content-based routing.
Content-based routing provides flexibility for users who want to route messages based on envelope properties or on receive port configuration properties. Routing can be performed based on information contained in the envelope of the document or even configuration information from the receive location.
In a scenario of Content-based routing you can create a filter on the send port that checks the receive location specified in the envelope. If it matches the filter expression, it is routed to the send port without going through orchestration.
Message-based routingA message is passed through BizTalk without being processed then it is called Message Routing.
Message routing is a method of passing through BizTalk without being processed.
Content routing is a method of passing of the message which is based on certain field value of the schema.

Explain the difference between a Document Schema and a Property Schema?
A property schema enables you to define promoted properties in a common location and have them referenced by other schemas.
A property schema can have a namespace but not records or attributes.
Elements defined in the property schema have a name and type.
The property schema must get deployed to BizTalk Server like all other schemas because the property schema may need to be referenced by more than one schema, and because the information in the property schema must be available to components at runtime.
After a property schema has been created, elements and attributes with the same type can be promoted as one of the named properties in the property schema.
Schema is the meta-data used to describe the content and structure of a Business Document. Implemented by parsers that validate a Business Document's conformance to the Schema at runtime.
Schemas for business documents do not contain any BizTags but contains only those tags required to support the business transaction, as designed by the publishing organization.
A message is defined by a Document Schema. An XML messages is defined as document schema which has optional extensions for flat files, Electronic Data Interchange file etc. The parsers are enabled by document schema for converting theses documents into their native format into XML.
Message context properties are defined by using a property schema. These properties can be of type MessageDataPropertyBase – the value of property value is promoted from or demoted to the message itself - or MessageContextPropertyBase – the message context contains only the properties.

What are un-typed messages, how does one create them?
When a message created in BizTalk Orchestration is bound to a schema, this is a typed message. In un-typed messages, the message is bound to System.Xml.XmlDocument instead of a schema. Thus, an un-typed message is one whose message type is set to "XmlDocument" in an orchestration
A typed message is bounded to a schema which is created in BizTalk Orchestration.
An un-typed message is bound to xml document instead of a schema – System.Xml.XmlDocument

Explain the difference between BizTalk Server and Web Services.
BizTalk is a product while Web Services are a standard.
BizTalk Server is a Microsoft product whereas Web Services have been developed by many organizations including Microsoft, IBM, etc.
BizTalk Server application has been built to enable the internal business processes of organizations, operate with ease. Web Services are small applications published using UDDI to enable all the people find them.
Web services are that they are platform neutral. BizTalk can leverage Web services.
Biz Talk is a product.
Biz Talk is an application for building and deploying business processes internally and quickly with business associates / partners.
Web Service is a service
A web service is a service which can be accessed over standard internet protocols. Web services can be published using UDDI. A web service can be platform independent.
Web services are based on industry standards and co-developed by industry giants.
Describe BizTalk Server Messaging Services.
A Message is the heart of the BizTalk Server. The messaging service in BizTalk allows provides communication within the Server as well as the outside it.Being a part of the Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM), the BizTalk messaging services follow the public/subscribe fashion. A message going into the Message box has the responsibility of storing all the message instances.A message is published so that the ports that have subscribed to that message can consume it. Once a message has been created, it cannot be changed. Another message has to be created in order to perform a change.Messages are not a single entity. Each is composed of one or more message parts.
Biz Talk is a message handling engine. It is important to understand the messages, their representation, storage and processing by the Biz Talk server.
A message is a multi-part message and has zero or more parts. A message consists a binary chunk of data that is represented as xml document or a flat file. The body part of the message is used for identifying the type of the message for routing. All messages in the Biz Talk server is immutable, i.e., the messages can not be changed / modified.
All the message instances for all messages are persisted in the message box. It follows publish / subscribe paradigm and implemented by using Message-Oriented Middleware.

Describe BizTalk Orchestration.
Business analysts and developers can dramatically simplify the integration and automation of business interactions inside and between companies using BizTalk Orchestration.
Complex business processes spread across multiple applications or organizations.Therefore, they need something to integrate and automate various processes within their organizations. E.g. accounting, order management, etc.
Thus, it becomes possible for the developers and the analysts to restructure components, applications, define policies and cooperatively implement solutions. BizTalk Orchestration improves cycle times and deeper virtual partnerships between organizations.
Functionality for creating, orchestrating business, processes, organization, applications is provided by BizTalk Orchestration. BTO separates the code of implementation from processing using powerful tools. BTO uses MS Visio as front end. A business analyst can create business process flow, selected by set of flow chart shapes, using Visio. The internal details of implementation of flow need not be known. The ‘implementation view’ and ‘data flow view’ are used by developer. Implementation view is used for binding the process activities, such as MSMQ queues, Windows Script Host scripts, Bit Talk messaging services, COM components

Explain the purpose of BizTalk Orchestration XLANG Scheduler Engine.
XLANG schedule running instances: Instantiation, execution, dehydration (occurs when the XLANG Scheduler Engine has to wait for greater than three minutes to receive a message) and re-hydration (occurs when the message arrives to the XLANG Scheduler Engine) are controlled by the XLANG Scheduler Engine.
When that instance is dehydrated, the current state of an XLANG schedule instance is saved to a SQL Server persistence database. After being instantiated, the XLANG Scheduler Engine continues the business process sequence until it becomes necessary to dehydrate the XLANG schedule. The XLANG Scheduler Engine re-hydrates on the arrival of a message. The XLANG schedule instance and business process sequence actions are continued to be performed till the schedule gets completed or till the XLANG Scheduler Engine waits for another message.
Activation, execution, dehydration and rehydration are controlled by XLANG Scheduler Engine. A small application can be created for passing the moniker of an XLANG schedule to the XLANG Scheduler Engine for activating XLANG schedule. The XLANG Scheduler Engine performs various actions within the XLANG schedule and the business process sequence can be continued until the dehydrating the XLANG schedule becomes necessary. When XLANG scheduler engine expects to wait for more than 3 minutes to receive a message, dehydrating an XLANGL schedule occurs. At the time of message arrival, the XLANG scheduler engine rehydrates the XLANG schedule instance and continues to perform all the actions in the business process sequence. This process continues until the schedule is completed or the XLANG schedule engine needs to wait for other message. For supporting dehydration, a persistence database must be configured.

What is the basic flow of messages in Biztalk Server engine?
Receive Port: listens for messages.
Adapters information interchange with external systems
Pipeline, dis-assembler and sub-components: normalizing the schemas (wire message in its native format) of the internal messages using XML as the common language.
MessageBox: internal XML messages are published here and then are further consumed by Subscribers.
Subscribers (Send Port and Orchestration components): subscribe to internal messages per metadata or message context properties.
When the subscribed orchestration finishes processing the internal messages are re-published in the MessageBox to be consumed by other subscribers.
Send Port: consumes the internal XML messages, converts them to a wire messages through the associated pipeline and subcomponent Assembler.
Finally the adapter is used to convey the wire message to the target system.
After receiving the messages by a BizTalk adapter, the message runs through pre-processing within the BizTalk pipelines, before data transformation via BizTalk maps. These are ultimately published to a central database called the MessageBox. The parties with corresponding subscription for those messages can consume it. The MessageBox database makes up for providing durability, scalability, and reliability.

Explain the components of Biztalk Server architecture.
Receive Port: listens for messages.
Adapters: information interchange with external systems
Pipeline, dis-assembler and sub-components: normalizing the schemas (wire message in its native format) of the internal messages using XML as the common language.
MessageBox: internal XML messages are published here and then are further consumed by Subscribers.
Subscribers (Send Port and Orchestration components): subscribe to internal messages per metadata or message context properties.
BizTalk Orchestration Engine: processing the internal messages, re-publishing them to MessageBox to be consumed by other subscribers.
Send Port: consumes the internal XML messages, converts them to a wire messages through the associated pipeline and subcomponent Assembler.
Adapter: conveys the wire message to the target system.
BizTalk Server has two main components. Publish and Subscribe. A publisher - responsible for publishing messages in the message store. A subscriber - responsible for subscribing messages of particular format to get the messages whenever they are published.
Inserting messages in the message box database is the process done by the publisher. A receive port and an orchestration port involved in publishing messages to the message box. The message is received by the receive port from pipeline and publishes to the message box, at the receiving port. The message would be published by orchestration, while sending it by using the send shape. The message would be published by a solicit response port after receiving a response from the end system.
The message would be indicated by the subscribers, that they would be received by a group of filters. Thus, whenever a message is published to the message box database, a subscriber would be able to receive / get the message that is based on the criteria, mentioned while subscribing. The promoted fields on the message allow the filters to be specified.

What is Business Activity Services (BAS)?
Trading Partner Management Information workers Manage trading partner relationships within organizations. Business Activity Services include a Trading Partner Management (TPM) component to allow them do those.TPM database stores information about trading relationships. Information workers can create and modify agreements with trading partners who use BizTalk Server.
Business Process ConfigurationInformation worker can set parameters for an orchestration that implements a business process, which a business analyst may not be able to create.Developer creating an orchestration can define parameters for an orchestration to enable information workers configure it. An information worker sets those parameters using the TPM service by specifying their values in the partner’s agreement.
A business analyst might be needed for creation of a relationship with a new trading partner. A purchasing manager might be needed some tools which can wrap together and distribute the artifacts needed for letting a partner quickly implement the business process. These functions are provided in BizTalk server.
MS Windows SharePoint Services, IE, MS Excel and MS InfoPath provide a user interface to all the services. As Business Activity Services need to be utilized by business people, these are exposed through these similar tools. Two different software components are available behind the common interface, whose services are exposed using SOAP.

What is the difference between static, dynamic and direct binding?
Static BindingA static port is already configured at the time of deployment to use a transport so as to deliver messages to a specific external end point. A transport type selects an adapter and a URI address. When an orchestration port is bound to a static Send port, the orchestration port is responsible for having each message provided with a context property called BTS.SPID (bound Send port).
Direct binding in BizTalk Server 2004 can be used to send messages from one Orchestration to another and can also be used to send messages directly into the message box.
In Direct Binding, properties like BTS.SPID, BTS.ReceivePortID, etc are not exploited automatically by orchestration ports.
So, BizTalk does not manage the binding of orchestration ports to messaging Receive and Send ports.
Developers can control subscriptions and message context to route messages.
External binding configuration cannot be used with directly bound orchestration ports.
Direct binding is the most flexible model but you cannot configure your orchestration ports using binding files. More programming needs to be done to fully exploit the flexibility on offer.
Dynamic BindingTransport types and locations dynamically selected by dynamic ports. Send port can dynamically route messages to different locations via different adapters. The orchestration port is responsible for having the required properties created within the message context.
Static binding occurs at compile time. It compiles slower. It will have larger files and run faster.
Dynamic binding occurs at runtime. It complies faster. It will have smaller files and may run slower.
Direct binding provides method of allowing libraries to directly bind symbols to other libraries, instead of binding weakly and leaving the dynamic linker for figuring out which library has the symbol.

How to transfer files without using Orchestration?
Use content Base routing, you can create a filter on the send port that checks the receive location specified in the envelope.
If it matches the filter expression, BTS.Receiveportname= ,it is routed to the send port without going through orchestration.
1. By using content based routing, files can be transferred.
2. By creating receive port and send port. If send port is configuring, provide the condition as BTS.


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